Yitro - The Cohen of Midian

by Tzeitl Locher

Yitro, the Cohen of Midian, father-in-law of Moshe, heard everything that G'd did to Moshe
and to Israel His people- that Hashem had taken out of Egypt. (Chapter 18:1)

The parasha is called Yitro, but the first word of the reading is: "Wayishmah" "and he listened. Most parashiot are named after the first word. By calling this parsha Yitro one can infer that the words around Yitro are very important and that the person Yitro is very important, in its place after vayishmah, "he heard."

Let us observe some key facts drawn from the actual verses themselves:

1. Yitro: his name in this parasha appears 5 times

Cohen of Midian: 1 time

Father-in -law of Moshe: 13 times

2. "Yitro was a Cohen of the Midianites."

If you look at the word Midian then you see it is written with a mem, dalet, yud and a nun, which contains the letters of the root word "din," meaning judgment with the implication of justice. So Yitro, in this story, is the Cohen who comes from "me-din", with this quality of Din.


3. He heard what G'd did to Moshe and to Israel His people. He heard the justice in the act of G'd who as Hashem had taken Moshe and the Israelites out of Egypt. He had not seen it, but he had heard, Wayishma, and judged this message by his heart. Then he decided to become the "father in law" of Moshe. Becoming a father-in-law to someone from another civilizational system! Yitro did this so capably, one could say he went through a transformation and became a force of transformation for Moshe and the Israelites.

4. Yitro takes Tsipporah and her two sons with him when he goes out to meet Moshe.

The traditional commentators tell us that the sons of Moshe became the sons of Tsipporah right after the moment Hashem manifests as the burning bush speaking to Moshe. After that manifestation, Moshe decided to dedicate the rest of his life to G'd. Not drawing near to a (his) woman was his way of being constantly available to G'd.

It is Moshe who adds this to the preparation of the people before being able of hearing the voice of G'd (19:15)
The other points of preparation came from Hashem (19:3)

From here on Tsipporah and her two sons become part of the people of Israel traveling "bamidbar," in the wilderness, together with Yitro.

5. They all meet by the mountain of G'd. The 5 of them are in the same state of holiness/consciousness.

Moshe tells Yitro everything that Hashem had done to pharaoh and to Egypt for Israel's sake - all the travail that had befallen them on the way - and that Hashem had rescued them.(18:8)

The sages tell us that when someone wants to become a convert, you have to tell them all the travail that has befallen on the way in the history of the Jews, because this will become a part of the convert's history too. (Tzipporah will soon have to decide about circumcising Gershon, Moshe's son. We see here that she has been properly briefed.)

6. This retelling also tells us something about the hardship Moshe experienced in dealing with the Israelites. Perhaps this triggers Yitro in helping Moshe becoming focused on the quality of Din again.

7. Yitro rejoiced over all the good Hashem had done for Israel (18:9)

Yitro said Blessed is Hashem (18:10)

He is the second person so far in the Torah who Blesses Hashem. Malchi Tzedek ( Bereshit 14:18) was the first one, when he said to Abram:

"Blessed is Abram of G'd, the Most High, Maker of heaven and earth, and

Blessed is G'd, the most High, Who delivered your foes into your hand"..

and he gave him a tenth of everything....

8. Yitro says (18:11)" Now I know that Hashem is greater than all the gods"...

The sages say that Yitro converts to Judaism, which is confirmed by taking an elevation offering, to which he adds feast offerings for G'd. Yitro adds feast offerings.

Rashi tells us that one of Yitro's names was Yeter, which means: to add and that during his conversion process the letter vav was added to his name.

9. Later on Yitro adds his counsel to Moshe on the nation's judicial system (Rashi)

10. Rashi tells us that during his lifetime Yitro had 7 names, all of them connected to a different state of consciousness Yitro is his final name. The conversion of Yitro is celebrated by a meal where "lechem" is eaten Aaron, and the elders of Israel came to eat bread with the father in law of Moshe before G'd.
Where was Moshe asks Rashi? Rashi answers: "he was serving the meal"

11. (18:13) It was on the next day.

(Rashi: Being the day after Yom Kippur)

12. Moshe said to judge the people........and Yitro gives his counsel.....

(18:19) Now listen to my voice-'Attah Shema b'qoli" I shall advise you and "May G'd be with you."

13. To my knowledge this is the first time a person is blessed by these words in the Torah: "itcha v'iehie 'Elohiem" -"May G'd be with you"

.........and you shall discern from among the entire people....(18:21)

men of accomplishment

men who fear G'd

men of truth

men who despise money

Men with these 4 qualities and you shall appoint them leaders of thousands...etc...

(18 :23) If you do this thing - and G'd shall command you - then you will be able to endure, and this entire people, as well, shall arrive at its destination in peace!.

This is exactly what was happening:..... for a while....see 19:8......but also see 20:15.

14. Yitro, Tsippora and her two sons are traveling bamidbar to meet Moshe by the mountain of G'd (18:5)

-In the 3 month from the Exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt, on this day they arrived at the Wilderness of Sinai opposite the mountain (19 :1)

Their consciousness is raised to a level to be opposite the mountain of G'd

-Moshe listened to the counsel of Yitro and became able to bring the people forth from the camp toward G'd and they stood at the foot of the mountain (19:17)

(19:3) Moshe ascended to G'd, and Hashem called to him from the mountain, saying: "so shall you say to the House of Jacob and relate to the Children of Israel..........

(19 :7) Moshe came and summoned the elders of the people, and put before them all the words that Hashem had commanded him.

(19:8) The Entire People Responded Together and said: "Everything that Hashem has spoken we shall do"!

later on...

-Moshe is able to "Listen" to the words of Hashem to warn the people not to break through to "See" Hashem (19vs21)

-Moshe descended to the people and said (it) to them (19vs25)

- G'd spoke all these statements, saying .............(the ten words)

- The Entire People saw the thunder and flames,, the sound of the shofar and the smoking mountain; the people saw

( and did not listen anymore, their seeing distracted their heart )

and trembled and stood ........from afar ( they withdraw)

(19 vs 16) They said to Moshe: You speak to us and we shall hear; let G'd not speak to us lest we die.

19 vs 17 Moshe said to the people: Do not fear for in order to elevate you has G'd come, so that awe of Him shall be on your faces, so that you shall not sin.

19 vs 18 [Tzeitl asks us to note a "but" here]....... the people stood from afar......

Looking at gematriya (numberology) of the names: Yitro and Moshe and at the word "Har"-mountain

Yitro: yud,tet,resh, waw = 616 = 13 the number of transformation = 4, the 4 worlds of the kabbalists.

Moshe: mem, shin,heh = 345 = 12 the number of the children of Israel= 3, the 3 worlds

Har: heh,resh = 205 =7 the number of fullness

4 and 3 and 7 = 14 = 5 the number of the 5 worlds

Moshe who is listening to the counsel of Yitro is able to endure and to bring the entire people to the Mountain of G'd and we ...listening to both Moshe and Yitro.....should be able to come close and experience the mountain of G'd....The whole of us (12) needs to be transformed(13)

Different names for G'd are mentioned in this parasha: Hashem, Elohiem, Elohei Avi, Li, Hashem Eloheicha, Anochi.

31 times a name of G'd is mentioned

31 times the name Moshe is mentioned

(not to count his name in Yitro, father-in-law of Moshe)

(Moshe is spelled mem,shin,heh if you turn them around then it reads HaShem)

18 times the word mountain is mentioned

18 times Yitro 5 times as Yitro

and as "the father in law" of Moshe 13

Wayishma: waw,yud,shin,men,ayn =426=12=3

and Yitro listened (18:1)

and Yitro asks Moshe to listen (18:19)

and Moshe listens (18:24)

and Hashem tells Moshe the people will listen (19:9)

and the people tell Moshe we will listen((20:16)

........So when will we keep our promise........?

If we would but listen in awe, we would travel through the first 3 worlds and open ourselves to the words of Hashem..... ten words.....

.......what is keeping us from that promise?

listen to your heart

Hallel Yah

the Presence


Life is where you listen

your heart is your mountain

and the earth the altar of G'd

"..wherever I permit My name to be mentioned I shall come to you and bless you."